Make Animation From Mobile
Tarnsform Your Life With Animation
Master the art of 2D animation and ride the wave of social media success! Our course unlocks the secrets to creating captivating content for platforms like YouTube and Facebook. Turn your passion into profit—learn the skills that can earn you big bucks in the booming animation industry. Enroll now and start your journey towards creative fulfillment and financial freedom!
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Character Creation Idea
Before you create a Character you should know how will it look, and how to create Basic Structure of the Character. In short, you should know from where to start. This part of the course will teach you exactly that.

Cartoon Background Design
Background is the most important part of your video. A good background can take your video to the next level. But finding good background is hard or copyright protected. So In this course you will learn to create your own background from your mobile.
Drawing Your Own Character
Characters are the face of your video. All the cartoon channels you love to watch is because they have good looking and unique characters. And you will learn exactly how to create own cartoon character which is unique and good looking at the same time.
Drawing And Animating Cars, Bikes etc
You will need Bikes, Cars, Air Planes, Trains etc in your videos. So in this you will learn how to draw and animate them on your own mobile. And trust me, you don’t need any skill to draw and animate these.
Creating Green Screen For Characters
If you know how to create a perfect green screen environment behind you character, you can take the animation and the VFX to next level.
Drawing and Animating Animals and Birds
You will need Birds, Animals etc in your videos. So in this you will learn how to draw and animate them on your own mobile. And trust me, you don’t need any skill to draw and animate these.
Explained In This Video
What you will learn in this Animation Mastery Course
> Character Creation Idea
> Character Idea From Google
> Cartoon Background Design
> Drawing Your Own Character
> Adding Bones To Your Character
> Hand, Legs and Body Movement
> Perfect Lip Sync
> Creating Green Screen For Characters
> Multiple Camera Angle for Same Scene in 2D
> Drawing And Creating Cars, Bikes etc
> Drawing Animals and Birds.
> Animating Cars, Bikes etc
> Animating Animals and Birds.
> Creating Green Screen For Cars, Bikes etc
> Best Voice Over Apps And Styles
> Learn Voice Changing For Every Situation
> Removing Green Screen And Animate Everything
> VFX From Kinemaster
> Cartoon Special Effects
> Free Sound Effects
> Free Apps (All Apps We Used in This Course)
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Improve Your Animation With Special Skills
Adding Bones To Your Character
Bones Are the most important of a character. If you can’t make it right you won’t be able to animate your character. So we have taken more time explain this and tell you how you can create bones of your character, with a perfect in hand tutorial. And again you can do it from your mobile only.
Hand, Legs and Body Movement
Your animation will never look good if you can’t move the body parts properly. So we have shared some simple tips and tricks to do this hard job easily.
Perfect Lip Sync
Fixing the lips while your character speaks. This may sound easy but this is not. But just Because We have more than 4 years of experience in the animation field, we can make it easy with some simple ideas.
Creating Green Screen For Characters
If you know how to create a perfect green screen environment behind you character, you can take the animation and the VFX to next level.
Multiple Camera Angle for Same Scene in 2D
You know that 2D is only one way view of a scene. But with our tricks you can show multiple view of same scene, Just like we do it on 3D.
Best Voice Over Apps And Styles
If you can’t a good voice over to your story or your characters, your video will fail for sure. And guess what? we have fixed the issue. You will learn how to do voiceover, and you will get some best apps to do this as well.
VFX From Kinemaster
You will learn High Quality VFX and green screen editing from your mobile phone only in this course.
Cartoon Special Effects
You will need to create some special effects to enhance your scene, like Rain Animation, Water Flow Animation, Moving Sky Animation, Flying Birds Animation, Bikes And Car Driving Animation and many more animations. And this course has it all.
Free Sound Effects (SFX) And APPS
Good sound effects ensures that your video is good. And You will get all the sound effects you need to create a viral video. Also You will need many apps to create a high quality and professional video. But if you get this course you don’t to buy all the apps individually. We will provide all the apps you need, For FREE.

Become An YouTuber
Cartoon videos grows faster than any other categories on youtube, you may know this. So this your chance to create high quality professional cartoons and grow your channel faster.

Become A Freelancer
Freelancer jobs are becoming famous nowdays as you have the complete control over your work. What do, when you do even you do it or not, It will be your complete decision when you become a freelancer. In one words Be Your Own Boss.

Get An Animator Job
There are several big companies who are always seeking for Good Animators. So It can be an opportunity for you grab those jobs. Hurry Up, Competition is getting tougher day by day.

Work on Fiverr
There are several websites like fiverr and upwork which will provide you offers to complete a cartoon video for a high amount, Sometimes you can make even 1 Lakh rupees for a single video. But to do that you need to learn it better. That’s what you will get in this course.